Saturday, April 2, 2011

Big move for the Kenison's....

Ok I ask family and friends to not pass this INFO to anyone esle please.. need to keep this on the down low as much as we can but we feel we need to share with Family and close friends! So big news... Den got a job offer as President of a Dental lab down south.. more so in Mankato. and we are going for it. We went down today and looked at homes in the area we found one that we liked and it's like right across the highway to Den's new work! I mean really how much closer can we be!

here is some pix of our day... we dont' know for 14 days yet if we get this house or not but please say a few prayers for us!

this is part of the lab front doors please don't share this link with anyone! thanks!

this is part of the house we put an offer on and won't know more till later but it's a 3bedroom 2 and a 1/2 baths.. NICE!! very cute on the inside!

Caleb's school we think?? Not totally sure but it was what we were told if we do get this house... it's Hoover Elementary!

This our new town...

we are not driving just so you know! WE ARE NOT driving!! LOL...

Now this is when I knew this is our home.. Our Pastor left a year ago to go to Hosanna at our Mt. Olive home church... Pastor Dennis and his wife Sheila have always meant the world to me so when they go their new calling it was hard for me to see them go. When we walked into this church tonight I felt at home and felt this sense of peace hit me.. then I heard a man signing a song.. it was called Coming Home by Micheal W. Smith!! then through the whole service again just more sings of being at peace and this is where we are supposed to be.. and huge sence of calm came over me! At the end of the service the some Welcome Home came on again and I cried through the whole thing... People probley think I'm nuts but I tell you I know this is just what and where we need to be! God really is sooooo good! and I'm sooo excited for this new journey not as scared as I once was but totally excited!!

Welcome HOME Kenison's.. Welcome HOme!!!

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