Ohhh So much to say about Ethan... So much I don't want to ever forget about this little boy. If I could bottle up anyone of my son's and put them in a bottle so when they are older I would want to re-open this bottle and squeeze and love little Ethan all over again. He's not my favorite as I don't have them but he does in face hold a very special place in my heart. when I look into Ethan's eyes there is more in those eyes I see then just a little boy I know this boy was put on earth for a reason. So with this said things I never want to miss about my Ethan Lyle!

Ethan has the most sweetest voice ever it's so soft and so innocent. It's such a small voice but that does not hold him back in when he wants something he knows how to voice that very well!! He does this thing with his mouth when he talks.. it's like he's talking but slurping at the same time. So he'll say a word and then slurp and then keep talking it's kinda funny but I tend to wonder if it's more of a speech issue as some of Ethan's words are hard to understand. I think he's come a very long way and I chalk it up to he's just so soft spoken but I do tend to wonder.

Ethan's smile.. Wow it just lights up my life... I mean really how do you look at this boys face and not smile??? YOU Can't!!!!

What is Ethan's favorite foods??? Well for breakfast he likes Peanut-butter and jelly (yelly) sandwiches.... for Lunch he loves Peanut-butter and Yelly sandwiches, and for Dinner ohhh you guessed it he loves Peanut-butter and Yelly sandwiches...Ok this is not what he has every day but you get the idea.. if he could he would turn into a peanut-butter Yelly sandwiches... other things he enjoys are waffles, pancakes, toast, fruit, and Daddy's meat (venison)...

What are other small things I don't want to miss? Well I love the way he lays with his blankies he doesn't suck his thumb but he has to have his blankets close to his nose so he can smell his blanket. He has to give butterfly kisses every time he gives you a kiss doesn't matter if it's before bed time or when I have to go some where he has to give you a kiss on each side of the face an then butterfly kisses on each side as well... it's a must and you can not help but have your heart sink when he does this! It's really one of my favorite moments with him when he does this!
His favorite cartoons right now would be of course Power Rangers cause that is big brothers favorite! but other then Power Rangers he likes Sesame Street, Cat in the Hat, Syd the Science kid. He loves going to preschool and I love how he says Mrs. Penny and Mrs Passe thou you really have to listen to that one cause you could miss the P part in her name and it comes off as something else... But he has so much fun he does get sad at times when I have to go and when he's about to get sad and cry his face gets really red, and his eyes well up.. it's enough to want to pick him and say OHHHH baby come home with Mommy but I don't I hold strong and reassure him I'll be back to pick him up!

To sum up Ethan in a nutshell is he's the sweetest most loving little boy who is gentel but yet holds his own for being the middle boy! He can have a temper but you don't see this side of him much he's eager to give his smiles and his love and loves to have a good time! His giggles are the best in the whole wide world... He is my rainbow!!
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